Haroon Bhorat


哈龙·博拉特,南非开普敦大学经济学院经济学教授、发展政策研究部主任。主要研究方向为劳动经济学、贫困和收入分配。他与人合著和合编了许多关于非洲劳动力市场和贫困问题的书籍,包括与人合编《牛津南非经济学指南》。Haroon发表了150多篇学术期刊文章、书籍章节和工作论文。他最近被任命为《世界银行经济评论》编辑顾问委员会成员。Haroon在南非斯坦陵布什大学获得经济学博士学位。他曾就读于麻省理工学院,是康奈尔大学的研究员。他在“经济增长、贫困和不平等:探讨南非的相互作用”的主题下担任极负盛名的国家研究主席。哈龙是布鲁金斯学会的非常驻高级研究员,该学会隶属于全球经济与发展计划和非洲增长倡议(AGI)。他还是IZA(波恩劳工研究所)的研究员,以及人文科学研究理事会(HSRC)的荣誉研究员。 He is a member of the Board of the UNU World Institute for Development Economics Research (UNU-WIDER). Haroon consults with international organizations such as the ILO, the UNDP, the World Bank, Ratings Agencies and emerging market fund managers. He was a member of the World Bank’s Advisory Board of the Commission on Global Poverty as well as a member of the Program Committee of the 2017 International Economic Association (IEA) World Congress. He is on the Advisory Committee of the joint United Nations and World Bank Policy Study on the role of Development in the Prevention of Violent Conflict. He is also a member of the UN/WHO’s High Level Commission on Health Employment and Economic Growth. Haroon previously served as a member of the UN Commission on Legal Empowerment of the Poor (LEP), and was Head of Research for the UN’s High-Level Panel on the Post-2015 Development Agenda. Haroon has undertaken extensive work for several South African government departments – most notably the South African Department of Labour, the Presidency and the National Treasury. Haroon was recently appointed an Advisor on the South African Parliament’s High Level Panel on Acceleration of Change and Transformation. He was an economic advisor to two past Ministers of Finance, and previous Presidents Thabo Mbeki and Kgalema Motlanthe, formally serving on the Presidential Economic Advisory Panel.



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